Susanne Ehmcke


Born 3 August 1906 in Düsseldorf, daughter of F.H. Ehmcke. Studied at the Munich Kunstgewerbeschule (where one of her teachers was her father), and at the Zurich Kunstgewerbeschule: a teacher was Ernst Keller. She then spent one year studying at the Vienna Kunstgewerbeschule: teachers included Josef Hofmann and Rudolf von Larisch. After working with her father, she worked for the publisher Otto Maier, Ravensburg. Her picture books for children included Bill und Bällchen (1934), Vogelbart (1943), Das Kleine Bilderlexicon (1949), Kinderduden (1959) and Necklace for Laurie (1971, with Heiri Steiner; London: Macdonald, and New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich). Died 2 September 1982 in Widdersberg/Obb.

Writings about

    F.H. Ehmcke, ‘Deutsche Schrift und ihre Entwicklung’, Die Form, 1933, 10, pp. 305-7
  • Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, Munich/Leipzig: K.G. Saur Verlag, 1990-., 2002.


  • Munich, 1981
  • Klingspor Museum, Offenbach a.M. (illustrated books), 1983.