Wilhelm Reinking


Posters, set designs. Born 18 October 1898 in Aachen. Studied architecture and art at the universities of Munich and Würzberg. 1924-5: taught stage design at the Bavarian Landesbühne, Munich. 1927-74: artistic advisor and set designer at the Darmstadt Landestheater (1927-33), Stadtische Opera, Berlin (1931-3), State Opera, Hamburg (from 1937), Staatsoper, Vienna (1941-5), Städtische Oper, Berlin, Deutsche Oper, Berlin (1954-74). Also worked for opera houses in Salzburg and Milan (La Scala). Died 2 July 1985 in Berlin.

Writings by

  • Musikalisches Theater in Hamburg (with Hans Freund), Hamburg, 1938
  • Oper im Bild, Berlin, 1961
  • Verzeichnis meiner Arbeiten, 1924-64, Munich, 1964.

Writings about

  • Vollmer, 1958
  • Kurt Hirschfeld, ‘Wilhelm Reinking’, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., Feb. 1932, pp. 2-13
  • Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie, Munich, London, New Providence: K.G. Saur 1995- (from 1997: Munich only)., 1998.
  • Hans Georg, ‘The stage decorator Wilhelm Reinking’, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., Dec. 1938, pp. 39-48