Martin Kausche


Lettering, books, book covers and jackets. Born 7 April 1915 in Stettin. 1934-5, 1937-8: studied at the Stuttgart Kunstgewerbeschule (a teacher was F.H. Ernst Schneidler), and at the Berlin Akademie. Designed book covers and bindings for major publishers including S. Fischer, Diederichs, Insel, Rowohlt, and designed the typeface Mosaik (1954, Stempel).

Writings about

    Paul Standard, ‘The restoration of calligraphy’, Graphis 50, 1953, pp. 428-43, 492-4
  • Vollmer, 1956
  • GKS, 1963, p. 255
  • Pfäfflin, 1986.
  • Eberhard Hölscher, ‘Martin Kausche’, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., April 1959, pp. 10-19
  • Theodor Hilten, ‘The face of German paperbacks’, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., Feb. 1963, pp. 10-19
  • showing of Mosaik, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., Nov. 1956, p. 55
  • Erich Pfeiffer-Belli, ‘The advertising book-jacket’, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., Sept. 1960, pp. 8-17